$47.00 USD

Online Participant Agreement

  • I will use a safe and unmonitored device whether it is my phone, computer or tablet.
  • I will wear earbuds or headphones during our online meeting if there is anyone else around me or in my home. 
  • I will not share the meeting link with anyone else, but instead direct them to register online.
  • I will absolutely keep confidential whatever is shared and prayed for.
  • I will refrain from giving counsel, advice, and asking personal questions during discussions.
  • I understand that this is a Christian faith-based support group based on God and the Bible.
  • I understand that this class is about helping me move forward in my healing journey, not looking back as a victim. 
  • I will respect others by allowing time for them to share during the class along with myself.
  • I will respect others in class even though they may have a different belief system from me.
  • I will refrain from negative talk about my (ex)husband, (ex)boyfriend, or anyone else.
  • I will help build trust and community by having my video on during class.

Oasis Bible Study Book 1 - Wed 330 PST

Begin your journey of healing with Book 1 of the Oasis Bible Study Online support class

What you'll get:

  • a safe online community

  • a trained facilitator

  • truth about abuse along with God's Word to help you put your life back together

Take your first steps to understand confusion and conflict in your family relationships with God’s help.

If you are a victim or survivor seeking healing for your wounds from betrayal and domestic abuse, this study is for you. Learn what domestic abuse is and how to draw healthy boundaries for a healthier you.

Order Book Here