Be equipped with the knowledge you need about domestic abuse and how to support those it affects. Become a Hope Giver because what you don't know CAN hurt someone.

1 in 4 Christian women will experience Domestic Abuse in her lifetime.

That means YOU know someone suffering. 
The most common concern we hear is "I just don't know what to say".
If this is you, Hope Giver Essentials is what you need.
Take Hope Giver Essentials

"The Words of the godly encourage many." Proverbs 10:21

This is a self-paced 4-part video series designed TO HELP YOU restore hope and bring life to women affected by Domestic Abuse.

Each video features a true life survivor story to help you gain a clearer understanding of what domestic abuse looks like and how hidden it can be in our faith communities.

Take Hope Giver Essentials
Take Hope Giver Essentials

"The trainings and resources are very informative. They give good starting points when you don't know what to do." - Melody

How to be Safe for Someone in a Toxic Relationship. 

1. Be Confidential - Don't Tell Others. She is in charge of who know and how much they know.

2. Be Affirming - Don't Be Judgmental. This is not her fault.

3. Be a Good Listener - Have Empathy. Don't make assumptions. Ask kind & thoughtful questions.

4. Be Patient - Don't Tell Her What to Do. Offer to help her find resource when she is ready.

5. Be Prayerful. Don't Get in God's Way.